Customer Comments

Customers Comments

Hi Mike. Just wanted to say thank you for doing such a good job. It's great. I really am very happy with what you've done, the gravel is just right and I will gladly recommend you to anyone who is ever in need of garden help. See you tomorrow.

Hi Mike

I'm so grateful to you for transforming a right tatty mess into a lovely place to be. I'm very glad I found you and the pink gravel is as much a joy to me as it is to your lady who forgets she had the new gravel.

I can't wait to see my son's face!! He will be amazed. Really love sitting out now. So many thanks. Hope you have a good wk end and wish you and your family all the best. And will see you in a few wks. Sorry, long waffle, but it truly made such a big difference and I'm grateful for your standard of work.  I'll reccommend you to any and all. Anyway, a very happy customer